Dear Client!
We wanted to tell you we are here for you! While the full extent of COVID-19's global impact is yet unknown, it has caused many changes in our everyday life and also in trading and shopping. Protecting and keeping the health is the first priority.
We care for our clients health and continue to follow the rules given by the government of Estonian Republic and Health Board. When handling, packing and shipping mdmButiik Jewelry items we comply necessary hygiene requirements set by the emergency state.
MdmButiik Jewelry web-shop is working as usual and will handle the orders as quickly as possible. Domestic shipping is running smoothly at the time. Please add the parcel machine you wish your package to be delivered contact free.
International shipping may have delays depending on the situation in different countries. Please take into consideration that info may change in days. We will continue to prepare your order in 3-5 working days. If we can't ship to your country, we'll keep trying for 14 working days, on 15th working day we cancel the order and start refund process. For smooth refund we advise to use PayPal as payment option (for faster and safer process credit card payments are currently unavailable).
No DHL courier shipping at this time, sorry. Regardless of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is currently possible to send parcels and letters to the following countries:
Any questions? Please ask. We understand that in these hectic days new pair of earrings or a bracelet, brooch or necklace is not in the first importance but we're just letting you know we are here for you. That is why we are inviting you to enjoy viewing new sparklies while staying safely at home.
mdmButiik Team